Vitality Deep Dives


Building Healthy Habits

health and vitality sitting is the new smoking spinal health thrive while sitting Feb 15, 2025


Small Daily Choices, Big Lifetime Impact

We love grand gestures when it comes to health. The 10-day juice fast, the extreme fitness challenge, the grueling half-marathon training. These efforts make us feel accomplished, but what happens after? Too often, we slip right back into old habits—late-night snacking, mindless scrolling, skipping movement because we’re ‘recovering.’

Health isn’t built in days or weeks. It’s built over years, through the small, daily choices we make every single day.

Consider this: we’ve all heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking.” The damage of a sedentary lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight, but over decades, leading to back pain, cardiovascular issues, and poor posture. Likewise, eating fast food occasionally isn’t catastrophic, but making it a daily habit can result in weight gain, insulin resistance, and increased inflammation in the body.

The story of the frog in boiling water applies here. If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it jumps out immediately. But if you place it in lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat, the change is so gradual that the frog doesn’t notice—until it’s too late. Our habits work the same way. It’s not one fast-food meal or one skipped workout that harms us; it’s the accumulation of these choices over years that leads to health problems.

But the reverse is also true. Small positive choices—ones that feel almost insignificant—compound over time to create lasting health.

The Science of Small, Consistent Changes

Studies show that light daily exercise and a whole-food diet significantly reduce the risk of chronic disease.

  • A sedentary lifestyle combined with processed foods is linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and chronic inflammation. The overconsumption of sugar, unhealthy fats, and sodium found in fast food leads to systemic stress on the body.
  • A lifestyle incorporating daily movement and whole foods lowers cholesterol, improves heart health, boosts energy, and enhances overall well-being. Whole foods provide essential nutrients, while regular movement keeps muscles strong, joints mobile, and the nervous system regulated.

The Healthy Habits Game: A Simpler Approach to Wellness

Rather than rigid rules and unsustainable resolutions, why not play a game instead? A game that helps you reconnect with what you already know works for you.

Step 1: Make Two Lists

Write down 10 things you know make you feel good (your Green Flag List). These could be simple habits like drinking more water, getting outside, stretching, or prioritizing sleep. Then, list 10 things that drain you (your Red Flag List). This might include skipping meals, too much screen time, overcommitting, or consuming processed foods.

Step 2: Take Small Daily Actions

  • Week 1: Do one thing from your Green Flag List and eliminate one from your Red Flag List each day.
  • Week 2: Increase to two from each list daily.
  • Week 3: Build to three from each list.
  • Week 4: Drop the lists and simply observe yourself. See what you naturally gravitate towards and journal your experience.

This experiment isn’t about perfection—it’s about awareness and course correction. We don’t need more health fads. What we need is consistency in the things we already know work. As French Osteopath Guy VOYER DO says:

"You are your own best therapist."

The key to lifelong health isn’t in extreme diets or punishing workouts. It’s in the tiny, daily choices that add up over time. So, why not start today?

Healthy Habits Tracker

To make this process easy and fun, I’ve created a Healthy Habits Tracker—a simple tool to help you stay on track, reflect on your choices, and celebrate your progress.

Download the tracker now and join a community of like-minded people in the Thrive While Sitting membership.Together, we’ll build sustainable habits for a stronger, healthier future—one small choice at a time. 

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